The Global Encirclement of America

Key areas that will be covered: US led global war on terror (BLUE) Ideology of the international islamist movement (GREEN) Economic and military rise of China (RED) Threats to democratic nations and institutions throughout the world (PURPLE) Transnational threats i.e. organized crime, proliferation of WMD, etc. (ORANGE)

Location: Washington, D.C.

I am a National Security specialists who currently works in Washington D.C. (insert your own joke here). For myself individual and national sovereignty is sacrosanct, populist, neo-marxist or fascist trends and ideologies despite espousing democratic rhetoric are anything but democratic and represent a threat that must be dealt with. – In addition, democracy must be modeled on the respect for individual liberty, personal sovereignty, with its accompanying political-rights, which when combined with free-market economic principles, represents a good for society. If you have stumbled across this blog and think that you are going to convert me to either respecting or accepting other systems as just different do not waste yours, or more importantly my time.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

U.S. armor not up to new Iraqi bombs - Not exactly a new story as you will see

Here are just some of the stories from the last 3 months on how Iran is behind these new and deadlier bombs. When are we ever going to wake up?
August 6, 2005

U.S. armor not up to new Iraqi bombs

Nov. 1, 2005 at 8:59AM

U.S. military officials are concerned their expensive armored vehicles aren't standing up to new improvised bombs made by Iraqi insurgents.
Pentagon documents obtained by ABC News say new "explosively formed projectiles," or shaped charges, pose an "extremely serious threat" to U.S. troops.
Such devices have killed seven troops in the past two days, officials said Tuesday.
Designed by the Lebanese Hezbollah militant group, the charges are constructed from a 6- to 9-inch steel pipe filled with explosives. One end of the pipe is sealed, and a curved copper or steel plate is fitted to the other end, forming a weapon that is essentially a giant bullet, the report said.
"Basically you are taking about a molten jet of metal coming in one side of the vehicle, going straight through everything in its path in the vehicle," said John Pike, director of, a Virginia-based defense, space and intelligence policy group.
The projectiles travel more than a mile per second, penetrating armor up to 4 inches thick at a range of more than 100 yards.