Dear Madam Undersecretary Before you fight the terrorists get to the library
Dear Madam Undersecretary Before you fight the terrorists get to the library
With the swearing in of Karen Hughes as the new Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy,
As with all study there will need to be some serious reading so that she knows how and what we fight. To begin perhaps one of the best introductory books for Mrs. Hughes to pick up is the book “On Political War” written by Paul A. Smith, Jr and published by the
However, before beginning down the path towards a strategy Mrs. Hughes and our nation needs to understand the idea or more to the point ideology that we are fighting. Despite the numerous of books, articles, and television specials produced in the last four years no one has yet to give the entire picture of the history or development of this ideology and unfortunately because of space neither will this posting. What can be presented here are the names of the two most important books that the good undersecretary should read in order to begin to understand what we face.
First on this list of books on this ideology must be “Milestones” by Sayyid Qutb. This is to modern Islamism what Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto is to Communism. This foundational book, which is available at almost any Islamic bookstore or the text, can be downloaded form dozens if not hundreds of sites on the Internet, provides the arguments that al-Qaeda and other radicals within Islam have used since the 1960’s. Although Qutb, who was the grand ideologue of the Muslim Brotherhood, is obviously not the origin of many of the arguments or concepts contained in “Milestones” he does manages to lay out the general social, political, religious, and even to a lesser extent economic framework of arguments. This is the context of the war the Islamists have and continue to wage against all other systems of thought outside of their own ideology. This forms some of the fundamental arguments behind the Jihadist justifications for their actions and methods.
Second on the list must be “The Neglected Duty” by Muhammad Abd al-Salam Faraj. An English translation of this text is available in the book “The Neglected Duty – The Creed of Sadat’s Assassins and Islamic Resurgence in the
Mrs. Hughes, if we are really going to combat this ideology, we should move beyond both of the extremes in the debate over the role Islam plays in the ideology of these terrorist groups. One extreme based on complete ignorance tries to claim that it is Islam itself is the beginning middle and end of the entire ideology. Not only is this fundamentally incorrect but it risks marginalizing many potential allies. However the other side, which is very well financed, is equally as dangerous as they repeatedly try and in many cases succeed to assure the public, the media, and policymakers that there is nothing within Islam that contributes to the ideology of these groups. Not only is this misleading but it is creating a very dangerous environment of political correctness that has and will continue to handicap the war of ideas that we must fight and win if we are to defeat this type of islamist terrorism once and for all.
Mrs. Hughes as our new Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy has a very difficult task ahead of her however, it is not impossible. Perhaps her most important task once she understands the ideology and battle that we face is to bring together the talents of those who are experts on the ideology with those who can best formulate and communicate a counter-ideology and message in a way that will be most effective. Best of luck Madam Undersecretary.
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