The Global Encirclement of America

Key areas that will be covered: US led global war on terror (BLUE) Ideology of the international islamist movement (GREEN) Economic and military rise of China (RED) Threats to democratic nations and institutions throughout the world (PURPLE) Transnational threats i.e. organized crime, proliferation of WMD, etc. (ORANGE)

Location: Washington, D.C.

I am a National Security specialists who currently works in Washington D.C. (insert your own joke here). For myself individual and national sovereignty is sacrosanct, populist, neo-marxist or fascist trends and ideologies despite espousing democratic rhetoric are anything but democratic and represent a threat that must be dealt with. – In addition, democracy must be modeled on the respect for individual liberty, personal sovereignty, with its accompanying political-rights, which when combined with free-market economic principles, represents a good for society. If you have stumbled across this blog and think that you are going to convert me to either respecting or accepting other systems as just different do not waste yours, or more importantly my time.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

US 'kills key' Afghan militant

A suspected Taleban militant and at least five others have been killed by US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan.

Raz Mohammed, described by the US military as a "high-level Taleban" was killed in the province of Paktika, close to the border with Pakistan.

An Afghan woman and two children were also killed in the exchange, a US military statement said.

The US-led coalition has about 18,000 troops hunting Taleban and al-Qaeda militants in Afghanistan.

"Coalition forces were fired on by Raz Mohammed and other Taleban forces when they attempted to capture Mohammed," the US military statement said.

Two other suspected Taleban militants were also killed in the exchage.

The violence came even as a campaign to disarm tens of thousands of Afghan militiamen entered its final phase.

Suspected Taleban and al-Qaeda fighters continue to attack Afghan and US-led troops, government officials, aid workers and civilians four years after the fall of the Taleban regime.

Story from BBC NEWS:


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